Sunday, June 1, 2008

Skipping Church...

I'll just admit it now, we skipped church today! The last few weeks have been insane and I was getting really stressed out. So I decided the kids and I would stay home today. This morning we built a huge fort in our living room and pretended it was a hotel, the check in desk was the kitchen table. The kids had a blast checking in all of their stuffed animals and rescue heroes! The primary ways to pay were cash, check, charge or rope. Katie thought of the last one! Now they're running around outside in their bathing suits so I thought I'd escape for a bit! This is my first attempt at blogging, can't imagine anyone being terribly interested in our morning, but we'll give it a try! :)


Karen @Snakes-Snails-Puppydogtails said...

YEAH!!! (I FELT like skipping church today!) Sounds like you had a fun morning. You are good at helping them use their imagination! I LOVE the title of your blog!! (If you want to change the background and stuff Judith is the one to ask... she ROCKS at it!) She fixed my header with the boys picture to make it fit! All the "design" on my blog I found for free!

mylifewith5kids said...

I love your morning!! We skipped church too.I had planned on going to the lodge, but the time got away with me this morning. I look so forward to reading your blog!! I am sure you will have MANY fun stories to tell us!!

Becca said...

Hey fun! I love that you are blogging. Seems there are a lot of us church skippers. We stayed home too :-)

4funboys said...

at our house... we call them "bedside services"...

and sometimes... it's the best church you can attend!