Monday, June 9, 2008

Bad to Better...

Normally for me if a day starts out bad, that's it. I know that's not the best way to go through life, but typically that's how I am. Anyhow, today did NOT start well, I woke up completely drained and the kids were fighting like crazy. I truly felt like if there were ever a day to start beating the children, this would be it. (just being honest) All morning I was trying to decide which island I would go to if I suddenly "disappeared". I laid Katie down for her nap and plugged a movie in for M&M. (Matt & Meg if you hadn't guessed) I really just wanted to sit down and read a novel or something to escape from reality...unfortunately I had none here so I had to settle for a book I borrowed from my mom...about of all things...the stay at home mom. I read about 5 chapters and God just gave me a fresh passion for what I'm doing. I feel like I was reminded although alot of times my days can feel like drudgery there is truly a purpose and a ministry to my family in my time here at home. So then I called the kiddo's out to the living room and told them to pick out 10 books each for me to read...their little mouths were hanging open. (Normally it's anywhere from 1-3 at a time...and 3 if I'm feeling extra sweet ;) ) So we ended up reading for an 1 1/2. Then we woke up Katie and I was thinking, there, I put in my time, now go on for a while so I can do what I want to do. As soon as I went to the kitchen they started fighting again. Normally I would get pretty frusterated, but I just decided it was another opportunity to invest in them. So I pulled out the construction paper, crayons and colored pencils and we colored for another 1 1/2. When I read the book it was talking about how Jesus needs to be the first, last and in-between time conversations. Sometimes I do well w/ that, but most of the time fall very short. So I just started singing silly Sunday School songs to them, then Meg said "mommy, if I colored this picture for Jesus how could we get it to Him?" I went over to look at it and it said I love you Jesus w/ hearts drawn all over it. I realized just by putting down my agenda for the day and trying to love them a little more (with God's help), they in turn were wanting to show Jesus they loved Him. Was it worth it? YES! Have I mastered this....NOOOO! :) I just pray I will keep my perspective on staying home and not get so sidetracked looking elsewhere for my "ministry". I know it all sounds so obvious...but I needed a reminder today. Blessings to all my stay at home's to great days for all of us tomorrow!


Karen @Snakes-Snails-Puppydogtails said...

You go girl! I need that reminder! What a way to turn your day around! How awesome!

Becky said...

Liz, I'm loving reading your blog. You always make me laugh, but this blog hit a little too close to home. I am right there with you, and I need to be reminded that I am showing my children Jesus in everything I do. (Scary!) What is the name of the book?