Sunday, June 15, 2008

My eye...and other exciting tales

So at church today everyone and their brother is asking what on earth happened to my face (always good for the self-esteem) :) After awhile I got sick of saying "I'm not really sure, it could be allergies, or maybe the poison ivy...I just don't know." So I tried to act shocked when people would look at me and ask, I'd say "what do you mean? what's wrong with my eye?" in kind of a panicked voice, it was alot more fun. :) Other than that we had a pretty smooth day, Orly had to work all day so all we could do for Father's Day was make a "fancy" supper. The kids set the table with one of my nice linen tablecloths and of course paper napkins. Then Katie kept bringing him her baby dolls saying she made them for him at school. (we didn't have the heart to tell her she actually doesn't go to school, let alone make crafts there) I think she got the idea from Meg, who actually does go to school and DID make him a gift there. :) We had a nice night and now it's time for bed, both girls start camp at different places tomorrow so I'll be driving across the state of Michigan all week dropping off and picking up!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A whale of a time...

I know, corny title...but I couldn't resist! We bought the kids a whale pool with a slide and they're screaming and laughing so I thought while they're outside (Orly is watching) I could come and write for a minute! :) We actually haven't had much exciting going on except for my newest battle with poison ivy...I should know better but I helped Orly w/ some weeding at his side job and now my eye is swollen and my ears and I have it on my arms and legs. Sigh...I just wanted to help out but this is what happens EVERY now I kinda look like Sloth (you know the crazy looking guy on "The Goonies"...) So good thing the wedding I had to go to was LAST weekend b/c if the bride was walking down the isle and happened to look at me she would've probably screamed and run the other way. I sure wouldn't have wanted to stop a wedding. :)

I would love to post more pictures, but unfortunately have lost the cable that hooks up my camera to the we need to buy another one. I'm sure all my friends and family would enjoy laughing at my crazy looking face...I am soooo disappointed that I can't find the cable!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bad to Better...

Normally for me if a day starts out bad, that's it. I know that's not the best way to go through life, but typically that's how I am. Anyhow, today did NOT start well, I woke up completely drained and the kids were fighting like crazy. I truly felt like if there were ever a day to start beating the children, this would be it. (just being honest) All morning I was trying to decide which island I would go to if I suddenly "disappeared". I laid Katie down for her nap and plugged a movie in for M&M. (Matt & Meg if you hadn't guessed) I really just wanted to sit down and read a novel or something to escape from reality...unfortunately I had none here so I had to settle for a book I borrowed from my mom...about of all things...the stay at home mom. I read about 5 chapters and God just gave me a fresh passion for what I'm doing. I feel like I was reminded although alot of times my days can feel like drudgery there is truly a purpose and a ministry to my family in my time here at home. So then I called the kiddo's out to the living room and told them to pick out 10 books each for me to read...their little mouths were hanging open. (Normally it's anywhere from 1-3 at a time...and 3 if I'm feeling extra sweet ;) ) So we ended up reading for an 1 1/2. Then we woke up Katie and I was thinking, there, I put in my time, now go on for a while so I can do what I want to do. As soon as I went to the kitchen they started fighting again. Normally I would get pretty frusterated, but I just decided it was another opportunity to invest in them. So I pulled out the construction paper, crayons and colored pencils and we colored for another 1 1/2. When I read the book it was talking about how Jesus needs to be the first, last and in-between time conversations. Sometimes I do well w/ that, but most of the time fall very short. So I just started singing silly Sunday School songs to them, then Meg said "mommy, if I colored this picture for Jesus how could we get it to Him?" I went over to look at it and it said I love you Jesus w/ hearts drawn all over it. I realized just by putting down my agenda for the day and trying to love them a little more (with God's help), they in turn were wanting to show Jesus they loved Him. Was it worth it? YES! Have I mastered this....NOOOO! :) I just pray I will keep my perspective on staying home and not get so sidetracked looking elsewhere for my "ministry". I know it all sounds so obvious...but I needed a reminder today. Blessings to all my stay at home's to great days for all of us tomorrow!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hi, my name is Liz and...

I'm a home party-aholic! I LOVE hosting shows! It's so fun to get together w/ friends and earn free stuff at the same time, plus Orly watches the kids during the shows so it really is a win-win situation! Anyhow, I think, there is a slight possibility ;) that I have worn out my friends w/ my deep love for home I am sorry, and I promise that (after tonight) I won't have another show at least until the spring! (except for the one I have booked for July...) I know, I truly am a sad, sad case.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What will mommy do?

So I decided to make chore charts for the kids since they're getting older and I know they want to earn some money. I sat down and explained their chores and how much they earn if they finish. We got all done and Matthew looked at me and said "mommy, then what will YOU do if we do everything?" So I said "oh, just the laundrey, dishes, clean toilet, shower, sink, mop, change our sheets, clean out the car, weed the flower beds, take care of the garden, cook supper, give everyone baths, dust, vacuum....." then he said "oh, okay". :) So hopefully these charts work, we tried before and just got out of the habit. But they are both saving up for a special toy so hopefully that will be motivational!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Matthew's Bedtime Prayer

Dear Jesus thank you for this beautiful day... please, please help me to be a good boy tomorrow...and the girls too....and thank you for the soldiers who give us our freedom.

Aww! I hope God answers his prayer! :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Big Day for the Diaz's

I have my first kindergarten graduate!!! Megan's official "graduation" was today! She did great and is one of the few kids in her class that can already read chapter books, we may have naughty kids, but at least they're smart! :) They even had graduation hats, it was so cute! Each kid had to say their favorite part of the schoolyear, and my brilliant child said... snacktime! She truly is a Diaz!

For our celebration we headed to the BEACH!!!! I'm so glad it's finally warming up, the kids had a great time and we're looking forward to a superfun summer! I'm hoping to camp alot with them on Orly's workdays since he's not a big nature lover. Finally, I have someone to camp with again, woohoo!!!

Nothing else too exciting, except that we're finally getting a home phone again, Orly says I use too many minutes up each month, I'm getting expensive. I was wondering how it was such a huge surprise to him that I like to talk! ;)